
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Entry of my choice

For the entry of my choice, I decided to write about what I would probably do and live like if I lived in the world of 1984. Right now, it really is hard for me to imagine myself to live in a dystopian world. I get paranoid easily, especially about my privacy even without the government constantly watching and hearing what I'm doing. I probably couldn't live under the control of totalitarian government with the mind of the 21st century person. But even with my 21st century mind, I probably wouldn't have done anything to rebel against the government. All human beings get influenced by environment, no matter how deteremined they are. Sooner or later, they will follow the flow, just like it happend in 1984. And in my opinion, one person cannot change a whole society or change the world. When an individual is up against society, the society always end up crushing the individual in some way, making that individual a helpless victim. You may say that the Nazi got overthrown. But, during that time, many GROUPS of people, NOT an INDIVIDUAL were working against them, so there is a difference.

And I want to challenge people who said that they would fight for their freedom if they were living in the dystopian world. We're living in the 21st century, so in my minds we all think that the dystopian world is wrong, harsh and cruel. But let's say you were born in that dystopian world of 1984 in the novel, not the 21st century. You grow up being watched by a device called telescreen, so by the time you become a teenager, you'll be used to it. At school they teach you to spy and report thoughtcrimes, especially on your own parents. You will think that denouncing your parents when they commit thought crime is a very noble and righteous thing to do, because that was what they told you in school. Any feelings of love and compassion is wrong if it's not directed towards Big Brother(according to the party). You will grow up watching public executions such as hangings, and people cheering when they watch someone being shot by a gun. If you grow up in that kind of world ever since you were born, how would you know that all those things they taught you are wrong? Naturally, you will accept what you learned from that world, think it's right and nothing is wrong with it. You wouldn't know the concept such as freedom of speech, love, or kindness. Your mind will be filled with hatred, violence, and cruelty. You will give your loyalty to the party and always try to obey them. You definitely won't be rebelling against them when you think they got everything under control and are doing everything perfectly and righteously.


shinyena21 said...
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shinyena21 said...

I absolutely agree with our opinion. If I were born in the world of 1984, I would also think it would be normal to see telescreens all over the place and even noble to turn my parents in for their "crimes." Isn't it hard to imagine that kind of environment? I couldn't stop myself from shivering as I read through the pages of 1984. I really cannot think of myself living in the cruel, indescribable society.
Your post is very deep in thinking. Nice job!

Clarion said...

It was interesting to read what you would have done if you lived in the world of 1984. Personally, I probably wouldn't have done anything. I mean, how can one person stand up against an oppressive government and overthrow it, right? Even so, I can think of several people (from this school and in the United States) who probably would have done something to stop the government.