
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Are there any settings which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and say why they were meaningful

The Setting of 1984 was actually very disturbing to me. People in Oceania has no freedom of speech, constantly being spied upon and has no privacy whatsoever. If they betray even a tiny thought that is against the party's morales, they would be caught and become an "unperson", meaning they would be murdered by the inner party members eventually. Also, even the middle-class of the society lives in poverty(just that they don't realize it). Everything is dirty, the clothes they wear are full of holes, the plates they eat with are grimy with oil. Just that description made me sick, because I'm close to being a neat/clean-freak. They're so poor that if everyone in my classroom right now(including me)somehow dropped into that world, the first thing we'd be considered as would be enemies or spies, because we're foreigners, and we're wearing shoes(People in Oceania mostly walk around barefoot). And we would probably be hanged or shot in public with people cheering and yelling words such as "traitor" or "hang them!"People see and live in the joy of violence everyday, which can be pretty scary. Children betraying their own parents to the police, them begging their parents to see a public execution is an everyday, regular scene in Oceania. Well, aren't we all very blessed?At least we know we're free.The settings are very meaningful, because it makes us think how thankful we should be of our current situations. Unlike Winston Smith, we live in abundance, and more importantly, we're not being constantly watched by the government, which can cause us to become very paranoid about everything. If you are ever unsatisfied, think about the things you already have that others don't. It would make you a whole lot happier, because great happiness comes from small and little happiness combined together.