
Friday, March 21, 2008


Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaninful to you.

The setting takes place in a tropical, deserted island. The island provides the boys with plentiful food such as fruits and even meat, because the boys hunted wild pigs. I thought the setting was very contrasting and ironic, because of the terrible things that happned in the island during the novel. At first, the mood of the novel was very peaceful and orderly. The author showed boys swimming near the lagoon, and it gave me a sense calmness within me. Ralph, as a chief had most of the boys controlled under his leadership, and the group of boys had rules imposed upon them. However, under Jack's influence, the boys began to ignore Ralph and his rules that were actually beneficial to everyone. And as the boys began to turn away from Ralph and his rules, terrible things began to happen. The boys turned away from civilization and just followed their savage instincts. Jack and his group constantly hunted just for the excitement and they were creating chaos everywhere. The boys even commited murder in that island, and that was very disturbing and contrasting to the setting that was first mentioned in the beginning of the novel. That made me realize that everything is not what it seems to be like. Even in reality, I think that happens very often. We always meet new people and a lot of times we hear that first impressions are very important. Well, first impressions are important, but it doesn't always stick with you. A first impression of a certain person may be great, but as you get to know them, they may be different on the inside. Or you might think a person is very cold and serious, but as you get to know them, you may realize their personality is actually 180 degress different. I think, in that sense, the island represents humanity: Always different from what they seem to be like, and always changing.


Pei-peng Tsung said...

i think you are 폐인

Anonymous said...

awesome! yes, i toe-dally ah-gree wit u in saying that first impressions can be misjudging...
tsk..tsk.. i mean when people see me, they think that i'm mean and horrible, must as they get to know me, they realize i am ah-mazing and ah-dorable hehehe
(i'm just kidding u kno...hahaha)